Friday, June 22, 2012

May 30 - The Day I Earned My Dessert

I love bootcamp. I love bootcamp. I love bootcamp. This is what I have to tell myself over and over to get myself into the gym and working up a sweat. But, just like running, once it is over, I never regret it! Especially when I know there is delicious Italian food on the horizon.

Now, I'm a distinct proponent of patronizing local businesses vs chains (being a small business owner, this should be a big "DUH"). However, there is one particular chain restaurant that has my heart, in all it's Americanized Italian glory: Carrabba's. I can't help it! The chicken soup does me in every stinkin' time. Recently, we have discovered what feels like a little inside secret (and naturally, I can't share it), and this secret seems to always result in free dessert. So yes, I indulged in dessert. And pasta. And bread. And soup. (Can you feel your arteries clogging yet?) But, I also worked my tail off, which made me dessert that much sweeter.

1) The morning weather was deliciously cool & breezy. Maybe God indulged my autumnal longings with a nod of cooler temps. Whatever it was, I was thankful and simultaneously bitter that bootcamp couldn't be held in the morning instead of the 90+ degree afternoon.

2) The job battle continues. This is where I have to fight the urge to be that crazy overbearing wife, and believe me it is a battle. Its in my nature to want to fix things, to want take control. I'm beginning to think this job search has very little to do with Jon and a whole lot to do with God teaching me another chapter in the ongoing lesson of relinquishing control.

3) We mapped out a few long-term savings goals. Do #s 2 and 3 strike you as ironic? Its ok to say yes, I see it too. I am fighting to let go of the reigns yet making my own plans for the future. But, I really feel like we aren't so much planning as discussing. His will wins in the end, so you might as well find the joy in the surrender, right? I'm working on it, God.

Love & Chain Restaurants,

Thursday, June 21, 2012

May 29 - The Day We Studied as Friends

One of the things I like about growing up is watching how other people grow right along beside me. Particularly when family starts to become friends, and you learn to like each other not because you're related, but just simply for each other.
My sweet cousin recently graduated college and will soon be accepting a position as a missionary in Prague. In the meantime, she's back home, lingering in that bittersweet in-between of adolescent and grown-up. I invited her to join our small group while she is here, not just as family but as friend. She did, and it was lovely. We talked about what it means to live a radical life, and I know those words weigh more to her now than ever as she faces the future of years in a foreign country, essentially alone. Brave form, and I was proud to study the word beside her, not as obligatory family but appreciative friend.

1) Leftover sangria on the porch during bible study. Hey, somebody had to drink it!

2) The Fall cravings have begun. I now begin longing for all things crisp breeze, pumpkin, comfy sweaters and crunchy leaves. It is going to be a looong summer.

3) More rejection emails for the hubs, hey people, my smart, talented husband wants to instruct your children in all things world history! Please let the man teach!!!

Love & Grown-Up Pleasures,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

May 28 - The Day We Remembered

Every year my family and I perform the music for a local Memorial Day service. And every year, some part of me knows I'm simply going through the motions with little reverence. Every year except this year.

In August of 2011, my extended family suffered a blow that will forever change how we see Memorial Day, American flags, or the 6:00 news report on the country's war casualties, when my cousin Jesse lost his life fighting in Afghanistan. Now, I don't want to stake a claim to emotions that aren't mine for the sake of a "good story" - to do so would be a mockery of those whose hearts are hurting the most. Jesse wasn't involved in my daily life, we spoke infrequently and were not what you would consider to be "close". But small pebbles make big ripples in the pond, which you notice even from the distant shore. My family hurt, so I hurt. There was still a sting from having to personally know a reality which you had always sanctioned to some other unknown family in the newspaper. And there was the incredible feeling of unfairness about it all. So young, so much still to offer, never coming home to raise the beautiful boy he left behind. So we wept, for our loss of Jesse, for the weight of unfairness that only God could make sense of, for the futures that would remain unwritten or forever changed, our tears a passage into a club no one ever hopes to join - family of the fallen. Those kinds of tears can change you, and so they did with me.

I'm not a perfect citizen, or even the most patriotic American - but watching that blue-eyed little boy hold a picture of his daddy, showing a symbolism he isn't even old enough to understand - I get it. And I know it doesn't make for an honorable story to say that I didn't really understand Memorial Day until it affected me, but it's the unpretty truth. And it's not far off from most of our lives, is it? Oh that we may learn to appreciate the beauty of the pond long before those ripples touch our toes on the shore.

We went on to spend the day with friends, grilling out, and cooking a delicious dinner. The joys of the day don't necessarily represent irreverence - it was with a thankful heart I enjoyed the freedoms I didn't pay for, both physical and spiritual. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

1) We enjoyed a pool, or rather, the boys enjoyed trying to torture the girls in the pool. Is it written in our DNA that this starts at age 12 and continues...forever?

2) This may sound cocky, but sometimes I think it is good to be our friends. We whipped up a yummy from-scratch dinner of sauteed green beans, roasted cauliflower,  spinach, linguine & homemade marinara - yum! Oh, and there was pizza. That is due to it being good to be someone else's friend. ;)

3) Made a white sangria (thanks Pinterest) that turned out pretty good! White wine, Fresca, cherries, strawberries and farmer's market peaches. Mostly fruity, not so wine-y, just the way I like it.

Love & Remembrances,


Friday, June 8, 2012

May 27 - The Day We Broke Our Record

Sundays are my favorite days, I think. The quiet mornings, the worship gatherings, the taco lunches... :) It was business meeting time again, and what's a meeting without munchies? I've written before about our lack of attentiveness at these meetings. I'm happy to announce that this time, however, we broke records, people. 7+ hours of on-track, white board and long term planning took place and we came away, for once, feeling like we actually accomplished a lot. Success!  We made 3, 6, 9 and 12 month plans, and assigned objectives and tasks for each item. There was a lot of talking, a lot of honesty. When you own a small business, at least a restaurant, you are faced with the opportunity for a roller coaster of emotions. As usual, though, friendship and solidarity prevailed. We wrapped up with a kindling of hope about the future of our business, and a plan for evenings of completely unrelated to business fun. The original plan involved a sleepover at best friend's house, with all four of us. Its one of the fun things we get to do as married adults (though not in the weird, creepy kind of sleepover way, mind you. We keep our swinging on the playground. Ha!). However, at the mention of "Grey's", we girls were on our own and the boys happily went about their way with visions of manly movies and video games dancing in their heads.

A serious junk food session, PJ's, magazines and a few hours later, we are now almost caught up on Grey's. Thank heaven for best friends with DVR and comfy guest beds.

1) We ate our first garden harvest (the previously mentioned squash), and it was delicious. Just one, but I'm excited for more to come.

2) Stayed up later than I have in a veeeery long time - my last count was about 3:00 am!

3) Had birthday cake oreos, snow cones, chips and salsa, popcorn...oh heavens, my body did not know what hit it. I feel a change in the air....

Love & Girls Nights,