Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Summer Days (cont'd)

August - Highlights (in no particular order)

Started my Real Food Challenge just in time - it was the perfect scapegoat for what will, unfortunately, likely be labelled as the "controversy" of the year, centered around (of all things) a chicken sandwich. Never been so glad to legitimately say "can't eat that". Instead, I put my money towards feeding hungry kids. That is Jesus, regardless of any opinion I may have about Chick Fil A or gay marriage or anything else.

I take it back. Someone must've informed all local eateries of my challenge and they set out to strengthen my resolve by flooding my inbox/mailbox with offers for free food (CRUEL.)

I made it through a meal at Cracker Barrel without a biscuit. This. Is. Huge.

"Guilt is not Jesus' medium. He is battling for global redemption right now; His objective hardly includes huddling in the corner with us, rehashing our shame again. He finished that discussion on the cross. Plus, there's no time for that"...."Guilt may be the first chapter, but it makes for a terrible story. Jesus gave us lots of superior material to work with. If your stuff and spending and waste and stress are causing you tension like mine is, just do the next right thing...We're no good to Him stuck in paralysis." - J. Hatmaker, 7

Husband got a job offer! Not the one we were hoping for, but nonetheless, we took it. God must have something good in mind (like teaching me to stop making my own dang plans)

Began listening to Christmas music. DON'T JUDGE ME!

Single-handedly supported Buon Giorno coffee with my frequent trips. Go local! Go caffeine!

Speaking of caffeine, I started weaning myself off of that stuff. Here's a tip: the people who tell you that herbal "coffee" tastes just like regular's hoping they have a fire extinguisher handy cause their pants are on FIRE. Bunch of liars. Still, using their non-coffee product to cut down on coffee, within 2 weeks I made it to almost noon without noticing I hadn't had coffee - no headeache, no grumpiness. Success? Yessir.

Took my nephew for the afternoon. We went to Goodwill (his request, God love him), got him a snowcone (which he didn't really eat), built a monster blanket fort, watched a movie (in the fort) and made the best homemade popcorn ever. Love this child so much it hurts.

Made two desserts, which I could not eat, to celebrate Julia Child's birthday: "People who love to eat are always the best people." - Julia Child 

Watched the Olympics, which provided temporary fuel to my fire as I began training for my 2nd half-marathon. Said fire was promptly squelched by the deathly Texas heat. Training continues, just not with the fervor I would like.

Had another family bluegrass gig. We still don't have a band name. We still have a ton of fun.

In the same weekend, I threw a baby shower for a sweet preggo friend. Exhausting, as all good parties usually are, but went well! It was also a cheat day, and I felt like a led balloon after all my treats.

Wrestled with God and cried some tears over a personal issue. I'm slowly working up the courage to blog about it. In the meantime, I praise Him for a chest big enough to beat on as I wail, arms big enough to hold me when I collapse from exhaustion, and that voice big enough to speak calm into my tired heart.

I watched SO much 30 Rock. I think these people are my best friends (doesn't help that my actual best friend pretty much is Liz Lemon). I talk about them too often. And I sing Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah way too much.

Family vacation, PTL! It was only for 2 1/2 days, and we were in a semi-cramped, and super hot, condo, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Siblings, nephews, parents, husband and I went down to Schlitterbahn. There was much swimming, much laughing, much baby snuggling, and much Thanksgiving for the countless blessings these people usher into my life.

On our drive down to New Braunfels, Husband got a text message that set off a series of phone calls and, long story super short, led to an interview just one day after his previously-accepted job began. He needs to take & pass a new certification within a very short period to seal the deal, but excitement abounded anyway. The preferred school, the preferred district, and a door flung wide open for future opportunities. Like I said above, God must've had something good in mind.

Wrapped our 30 days of real foods with less bang and more quiet celebration, with a strengthened resolve to continue this quest for less crap, more health. Oh, and we may have eaten Joe T's. (What, we aren't perfect!)

Spent our last weekend in August working our tails off (what's new?), with family, baby snuggles, Hunger Games, a great going away party, and weather far too hot for us to be entering into my all-favorite "-ber" months. Good riddance to your weather, August, but thank you for the memories.

Soon to come (as soon as I can find a card reader...): A photo dump post! Stay tuned....

Love & Summer's Sun Setting,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer Days, Having A Blast (enough to avoid blogging for a month and a half...)

So, Summer. Good Times. Seriously, I love ya. However, my capacity to document your wonders leaves much to be desired. So, in an attempt to salvage the last 4 months of the year, Here's the best summary I can give...
Husband applying, applying, applying; interviews, but no jobs
Best Friend, on the other hand: HIRED! Signed on as full-time 9th grade Biology teacher - so proud!
Made my first attempt at a gluten free feast for my dad for Father's Day. Fried Chicken: success! Rolls:
First Father's Day without Husband's dad - tough.
Finished our taxes. Exciting, right?
Played our first bluegrass gig in a quite a few months, and luckily we had a pretty forgiving audience (a good friend's family reunion)
I missed out on Hub's family's camping/river float trip since I had to work at the pie shop. Color me like 23 shades of jealous.
Spent an entire day deep-cleaning the pie shop. Its exactly as much fun as it sounds.
Spent a good amount of time outside, since it wasn't sweltering yet.
Watched Mission Impossible outside in downtown FW, complete with gourmet cupcakes and best friends.
Closed out the month with a big  pool party with our fabulous CLC family!

Made some awesome-looking (and tasting) patriotic pies for the Shop.
Spent the 4th working a little and playing a lot. Closed out the day at Burleson's annual fireworks show with my lifemates. Best part: the butterscotch cookies we inhaled. Worst part: good seats apparently also put you right in the falling debris field. Nothing like fireworks in your hair!
"Read" (listened to) The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Not all new information, but still eye-opening. Made me want to learn to hunt, actually!
Our pie baby turned 3! We may be a little beat up and bruised, but our friendship and our business is still standing after 3 years, so that's going down as a success in my book!
After our pie shop birthday party, we headed out of town for a little r&r with our business partners/lifemates. We stayed in an RV, which is ideal camping in TX Summer, grilled out, watched movies, played games, ate snowcones, floated the river, got burned, swam some more, and all tried to find excuses for us to stay longer.
Reunited with our Hawaii-TX-Now-NC-bound friends, the Whitakers, who were back on TX soil for a bit before their next adventure
Had a grocery store/cooking double date, on which I ate one of the best burgers I've ever had. So good!
Best friend's turned a year older - we gave her 27th a year a good start with Yoo-Hoo, donuts, flowers and cotton candy
Started a book that would flip my comfy little world upside down: 7, by Jen Hatmaker. More on this later.
Met with a dear, sweet friend of mine, who God has gifted so well as a mentor. Thankful for a meeting of honestly, prayerful advice and shared blessings
Drove out to a cabin in the middle of nowhere to hang out with our favorite Whitakers and the rest of our "second family". We shot some guns, ate good food, and played Nertz until an ungodly morning hour, then attempted to drive home. Short but worth it.(oh, and I ate a salad! And I liked it!)
Spent a rainy Sunday hanging out on the in-laws porch, playing cards, snuggling the baby and loving TX country afternoons
Husband shaved his beard for an important interview. He almost cried. Surprisingly, so did I. (And we didn't get the job)
Took a photography class! Never taken so many photos of an apple in all of my life!
"I am the consumer the poor world and the responsible world and the world itself can't stand or sustain any longer. How will I answer for my choices when God confronts them one day? With this much expendable income funding restaurants, show stores, and movie theaters, I doubt Jesus will accept my excuses for neglecting the poor on account of cash flow." - from 7. OUCH.
Ran a 5k, with water guns. 'Nuff said.
POTTERPALOOZA! 2 days of Harry Potter, 2 days of nonstop eating (including HP themed delicacies!)
After that binge fest, and with much consideration, we embarked on 30 days of Real Food - no sugar, no refined flours or oils, no chemicals or preservatives, etc. Eek!

To be continued...