Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feb 4 - The Day I Raked Up 19 Bags of Leaves

My husband loves me because I get these really great ideas and then I force him he volunteers to help. Case in point: "Hey Hon, we have the afternoon off, know what we should do? Rake our yard! YES! Oh, there's a million leaves and we only have one rake? AND its a very blustery day? EVEN BETTER!" OK, first, I was only going to sweep the sidewalks, then I started just sweeping the edges of the yard, and then...things just got out of hand. And, in my defense, it wasn't that windy when we started. It only took a few hours before my shoulders were screaming and I was sweating, even with the wind gusts that were blowing my neat piles all over Burleon. Needless to say, I soon joined Husband in the "Whose idea was this?!" camp. That jerk. After hours of that I cleaned the house. I'm a glutton for punishment. (On the upside, my yard and house now look quite pleasant)

1) Garage sales! (This was before the leaf escapade) Best find: a box of VHS Disney Classics for a nickel a piece.

2) Stayed veeery late at work this evening. Here's a tip: when you go to a restaurant, any restaurant but particularly smaller places, please please please pay attention to the hours sign. Save the poor, non-confrontational owners/workers from having to kick you out AN HOUR AFTER CLOSING. *end soapbox*

3) Its been an exhausting day, but there is something so completely rewarding about heading to bed knowing you've used every ounce of energy you've had, and every minute of your day was invested in some way. The satisfaction of hard work is universal, I suppose, no matter the field. Need to end more days feeling like this!

Love & Lots of Leaves,

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