Tuesday, May 22, 2012

April 15th - April 30th: The Days That Life Took Over

No regrets. No regrets. No regrets. Say it with me now....
I've started too many things in my life, and finished far too few. I can sulk, I can pout, I can put myself in timeout and at the end of the day, the ends are still untied and I'm still disappointed. It's a recurring theme around here, isn't it? Not the soundtrack I care to have for my story. No sir, my story is His and He deserves a full blown symphony, not my tiny, whiny solo violin of misery. And with that, dear orchestra, tune your instruments, straighten your sheet music and let's get this show started. We have a bigger song to play:

Because we're covering a lot of ground, I'm ditching format and going with my instincts here. I may go back and add a special post or two, also. If you say it, it will come. Or something like that....

April 15 - Early rising on a rainy Sunday, breakfast with my mother, continuation of the cleaning frenzy (today's victim: the bathroom. YIKES.) Ready to take on the rest of my house. "Have scrub brush, will travel", reads the card of this gal. (catch the reference? I watched a lot of westerns as a kid)

April 16 - Rough day for best friend. Sometimes just being > perfect words. Praise Him for his intercession on our behalf and for reminders of such. Bless that man of mine, he stayed home, cooked me dinner and we watched Adventures of Tintin (so cute). As Mondays go, it lacked excitement, but overflowed with reminders that I am undeserving and so very blessed.

April 17 - The day my sweet, most-anticipated new little man was to arrive, but alas, did not. Due dates: another reminder that God works on his own time, and it is so very perfect. This was also the day of my last post. Bible study got tabled and so we reverted to our usual back-up plan: snow cones. (ever notice that I can't decide how to spell that? I'm just going to keep rotating the spellings until I settle on one I like)

April 18 - I'm going to be really honest. I have very limited memory of this day. I looked up a few things for our upcoming birthday trip (like Goonies film sites in Astoria). I went to Bible study with my lovely ladies. That's all I've got!

April 19 - Let the list making begin. Or continue, rather. I started perfecting my 30 by 30 list. So far, 19 things listed. Added on this day: full marathon. Eek! I want a few more halts under my belt first, though. Found the Disney Princess half in Orlando. 13 miles in a tutu? Totally got this.

April 20 - The day was a blur as I flew through it to get to 4:30. My little brother's birthday party was Friday night at the Burleson community center pool. Best gift: donating my husband to the party. I don't know what it is, but kids love to torture him, especially in pools. Such a good sport, though! Followed this with the bday boy's restaurant of choice: Chili's. Thanks to an over-booked Saturday, I had to stay up late at the shop to catch up, and let off some steam while I was there. You'd be surprised how therapeutic a rolling pin and a few balls of dough can be. I knew how exhausting the next 48 hours would be, I prepped a big bat h of iced coffee. Smartest idea ever.

April 21 - 10k number 2 in the books! I was up far too late, so my wake up. All for this race felt more like a death march. Not the best way to start, but I was committed! Ended up finishing and even shaving a few minutes off of my previous time! We rushed back to the shop (well....after a taco stop) to help with a large party. Speaking of parties, we spent Saturday night at the bday party of a sweet friend. The iced coffee came in here, as she was having a fun coffee/tea party. It was tasty and I was wired. Perfect!

April 22 - worship and study with my CLC family, lunch with my favorites on a patio, and a housewarming party for sweet friends. Social, filling, and there was Queso. Mix for a good day! Let's make it better by adding iced coffee (yes, again), an almost-car-problem (if I fully explained this I would lose serious wife points...but our car is fine), sno-cones and strange holistic magazines about angel psychics (hey, it was free at a gas station!). Wish I has some anecdotal story or something to add here..let's go with when you have car trouble, make sure you do do at a coffee shop do when you call your mechanic uncle and he brings his wife along for the rescue mission, which turns out to be quite unnecessary, she'll at least have her coffee. We are women and related so I totally get it.

April 23 - this day will be getting its own special revisit! It involved a doctor visit (uneventful as heck) and a hospital visit (amazing as heck). Roston James made his entrance into the world in a way as unique as I hope his life story will be. Beautiful, healthy and capable of expanding my hearts love for my nephews farther than I thought possible. Can't wait to document this day further!

April 24 - life after Roston, day 1: went to visit that sweet blonde baby and fell in love again. Uncle Jon stayed home in bed with a migraine, which led to a cancelled small group, which led to more hangout time with the Denman party of four. No biggie! :) Stayed up late with best friend watching the office. As Tuesdays go, this one was a rose.

April 25 – The last session of our study of James (for me, anyway). I am always amazed at how God touches each participant’s in a particular way, so that when we all come to the proverbial dinner table of group study, its quite a feast. That being said, I’ve slacked a bit on my homework, but I intend to start over on my own.

April 26 -  Meeting with doctor, round 2.  I spent most of the day fighting and praying away anxiety over this appointment. Still not up to divulging all the details, but just know it was bit more “invasive” than your average check-up. Things went well and I wholly believe I was carried through on the heart-whispers of others. Beautiful things, those. Business meeting that night, complete with Bison burgers  (yum!) and our usual rabbit trails. Ended the day on a semi-frustrated note, but with that still-small voice speaking stillness. Sleep came easy, thank Him.

 April 27 – POTTERMORE! Def a nerd-out kind of a day. I joined and I’m in love. Finally on its way out of beta testing, I got a good way in. Good news – I’m Ravenclaw! This is much to the dismay of my Hufflepuff Hubs. Speaking of that guy, we went to his softball game and followed it up with the deliciousness that is Campo Verde. I introduced him to Pottermore while we watched the Sorcerer’s Stone. Ah-mazing.

April 28 – The Burleson Farmer’s Market opened today! A touch disappointed with the small number of vendors (some carrying not-so-local produce) but I have faith that it’ll grow and become a good source of local Burleson goodness. It was also my shift to bring the Denman clan dinner (read: slip the parents food while I steal the baby for snuggles). I must say, I made some of the best taquitos ever. Seriously. I could eat my weight in these suckers. And black beans. And Cilantro lime rice. Dang it feels good to be a {kitchen} gangsta. Anywho, got to snuggle with that gorgeous little baby, while Jon was on big-nephew duty (this involves lots of roughhousing and sword fights for which uncles are best suited). Jon left to go out with the boys, and a few hours later returned with said boys and my house instantly became a hostel.  I’m going to start charging rent, maybe in the form of lawn work. Yeah…lawn work.

April 29 – Outings with the nephew are kind of like previews in parenting, which is always…entertaining. We took my oldest nephew to Scarborough Renaissance Faire. His mom gave him money that was burning a hole in his pocket even in the parking lot. He was going to buy a toy, and it only took him 5 minutes into the place to find “the one” – a wooden battle axe painted silver and black. The next few hours was a battle of wills as he begged to buy it right then and I pushed for him to hold off in case he found something else. I finally gave in, let him buy the thing and as I knew would happen, 10 minutes later he found something else that caught his eye. He understood that we shook on it when he bought the axe – no whining, no turning back – and he solemnly nodded as I reminded him.  I’m such a tough aunt! Haha. Still, we had fun riding rides, camels, eating treats and people watching (sidenote: that is the BEST place to people watch. Veeeery interesting).  Tavin even sang his pirate song (from Muppet Treasure Island) to the pirates at the faire. Also nearly got attacked by a creepy vulture. We ended our day with a tired 4 year old, a Sonic run, pirate songs and sword fights. Not a bad Sunday (and I got to hold his brother again)!

 April 30 – One of 3 days I’ve ever cried on the job. I can handle a lot of things, but rudeness and an absolute unwillingness to listen or reason are two that I just cannot stand. I got pushed to the edge by a yelling, angry, berating, and just plain mean person today. That’s all I can say, but the situation ended with me in tears of anger and frustration. Hardest thing in the world to keep your cool with people who never had a hold on theirs! Thankful for the reprieve of nice coworkers, family, baseball and best friends.

Love and Try-Agains,

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