Friday, October 5, 2012

October 2 - The Day We Talked Tattoos, Adoption and Crazy Dreams

I decided to try and make my day easier by taking out one of the yummy crock pot meals from my bulk-cooking day. Only problem: last week, for the first time ever, I burned up my crock pot dinner. We're talking my beautiful cut of beef ended up a nicely blackened charcoal briquette. In my rushing around, embarrassing as it is, I had yet to tackle the monster that was the post-burn crock pot. SO, I just threw the "crock pot" meal in my dutch oven on low and went for a run. Seemed to work alright, though I'm not willing to judge the recipe based on my alternate cooking methods (it was Honey Rosemary Chicken, btw).

So, running... I am 3 weeks into my 12 week training plan, and thanks to my lack of follow-through, its still pretty tough going. Every week I start with renewed vigor to really stick to the plan, but then life happens and I have lost the ability to get up at a decent hour....oh well. A run is a run, at this point!

We headed to small group after running/dinner, where we started out in 1 Peter and ended up discussing tattoos, orphaned babies and our genetic trait of crazy dreams (in mine, Jon was dying, in a tree house, when the Joker came by and threw exploding rocks at us from his Corvette. Rude!) My aunt and uncle crashed our Bible study, where we tried to convince him he should let his daughter get a tattoo. No dice, but we get an E for Effort! On a related note, I think a 1 Peter 2:17 could make a cool tattoo: Show Respect, Love the Brotherhood, Fear God, Honor the King. Sounds manly. Haha.

1) Husband kept me laughing. And as usual, he took advantage of our open windows to yell inappropriate things. He's crazy, but I love him.

2) Watching my cousin prepare herself for the mission field is inspiring. He equips the called, y'all.

3) Today was my aunt and uncles wedding anniversary. When I saw them they were coming back from a walk, then retiring for a relaxing evening. Yeah, they both totally forgot. :)

Love & Manly Tats,


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