Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 4 - The Day We Watched Him Win the Game

First off, let me just say that I'm disappointed in myself. It was National Taco Day and I DIDN'T EVEN EAT A TACO. It was so sad, really. I mean, I ate a burrito bowl, so that's like half-credit, right? I'm sorry I failed you, food world. To make it up to you, I'll eat tacos every day for the rest of my life (but seriously, doesn't that sound like the best plan? Ever??)

To be quite honest, I don't really remember the first part of this day. It involved work, and I believe some Parks & Rec at lunch, but beyond that....well, it obviously wasn't that memorable. After work, however, is when the fun began.

I rushed to the shop to help that handsome husband of mine finish late prep. The plan was to stop by Fuzzy's for $1 taco (what?!), but apparently that was everyone else's plan, too. So, no dice. And no tacos. At this point, we were running late for lil bro's baseball game, so we settled for Taco Cabana bowls. On that note, as we left the shop to head for TC, husband turned left, away from TC, instead of right. Now, mind you, the inspiration for this restaurant came from a  huge billboard, saying "EXIT HERE", sitting right in front of us at a stop light. When it turned green, though, he made a u-turn and headed away from the giant, well-lit sign. I said "why are you going this way?" and he rattled off some answer about turn-arounds and no direct exits. In the past, my backseat driving has caused a few (so many) fights, so I kept quiet. Fast forward 5 minutes later when we sit in front of Taco CASA, when the lightbulb finally comes on - "Hey, wait. This isn't Taco Cabana!" When I explained where the actual destination was, he said "Well, why didn't you say something? You should've told me." - HERE YE, HERE YE - LET IT BE KNOW ON THIS DAY, OCTOBER 4TH, KK SMITH WAS GRANTED AFFIRMATION, VIA VERBAL DECREE, THAT DIRECTIONS ARE WELCOMED BY HER HUBSAND IN THE EVENT OF HIS VEHICULAR/DIRECTIONAL ERRORS. Ahem. Also, for the record, I didn't say anything because I really thought he saw the HUGE sign. Nope. Haha

After the game, despite my increasingly weighty eyelids, I headed to best friends' house to help with grading papers. I'm in awe of her patience and chosen career path every time I help with this task. Also in awe of her ability to pretend I'm not stupid when I don't know the answers to 9th grade biology questions myself. Gotta love her! I crawled into bed some time into October 5th, and that was that. I very, very good Thursday.

1) Brother made the game-winning tag! He also did pretty well at bat this go-round, and he's quite the little base-stealer. AND, this was after he had a soccer game at 5:30 (before his baseball game at 8). More energy than me, that's for sure!

2) I was supposed to run today. I did not run today. Oops?

3) Husband had his first out of school student sighting. He was at the concession stand and a young girl said "Why are you so dressed up?", to which he replied "Because I just came from work". She said "oh, where do you work? You look really familiar....". His professional, adult response: "I can't tell you!" *runs away*. Oh, that man of mine.

Love & Taco-less Thursdays,

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