Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 8 - April 14 - The Day(s) I Got a Step Closer

April 8 - A beautiful, rain-soaked Easter!  Spent the morning celebrating with my CLC fam, basking in gratitude, humility and just plain awe at the incredible gift we've been given. For once in my adult life, I actually had my ducks in a row, too! Clothes picked out (though that dress turned out to be quite uncomfortable), cakes and food ready to go (though every time I decorate a cake I remember why I own a PIE shop) - I should try this route more often! Even with its faults, it helped ease my usual holiday stress. Unfortunately, the egg hunt got rained out, but this did not stop us from enjoying the patio! We ate lunch outside on my aunt & uncle's wrap-around porch, watching the slow rain fall around us. My nephew also got his first introduction to confetti eggs (which he just wanted to smash in front of you, not on you). We closed the day at the in-laws with delicious food, a cute baby, and as is tradition, dessert and a movie.

April 9 - Remember that failed biscuit dough from last week? Turns out it makes great pizza dough! :) After a gym class that kicked my butt, I felt I had earned the right to some cheesy goodness. Husband whipped up a homemade pizza using the re-purposed dough, and it was delish. He finally got me to watch Zombieland for the first time. I'll admit it - not as bad as I thought it would be! I am also loving these long, spring days! Still had enough daylight to go out and run a few errands after dinner. Also, I'm pretty sure my crazy neighbors were in my back yard. Note to self: really need to get a gate!

April 10 - This marked the 11th anniversary of my official title as middle child. Little brother celebrated his birthday today! I don't think any of us had a clue of how much he was going to change all of our worlds (sometimes for the crazier, but most times for the better, haha). Also, this would be one of those days where I feel really, really old! I headed to small group by  my lonesome as Husband was, in his words, dying on the couch. We planned out the next few weeks of lessons, and naturally, nominated Jon to teach since he wasn't there to object. :) Since we wrapped up early, best friend and I headed out for a snowcone, then I donated some of my time to helping the youth of America. Or rather, the teacher of the youth of America, by grading papers. This is all at once the most hope-giving and hope-killing activity. Lord help the future of this country!

April 11 - In case it isn't obvious, let me just say that our lives are busy. Very, very busy. Days "off" are precious few, so sometimes we just have to raise the white flag, say no to social activities, and invest in our own little family (its still a family, even if there's just 2 of you!) This is what we did, and little did we know how much we'd need it in the coming days.We stayed home, made some tacos, devoured chips and salsa from our go-to Mexican place, grabbed a snowcones, and just chilled with each other. It was time much needed and appreciated.

April 12 - This day sucked. You know when God has been showing you something through a book or a lesson and you're like "yeah, I totally get that!" and then he's like, "Um, no, Kid, you don't. Buckle up, cause I'm going to SHOW you." That was this day. Apologies for the simultaneous vague and personal nature of this post (paragraph), but the details are still unfolding so its not quite fit for sharing yet. Suffice it to say that husband and I spent the day reflecting, praying, at times being anxious, but at the end of the day feeling peaceful. "Consider it pure joy, my brothers..." I'm working on it, James. I'm working on it. In the meantime, God wows me with his willingness to whisper my name into the hearts of praying people. In the middle of this turbulence, I received an email from my sister-in-law saying that, for reasons she didn't understand, God had placed me on her heart and she'd been praying all day. When He brings someone to you, LISTEN and OBEY. Also, when you have a bad day, let your husband dote on you and take you out for lots of Italian food. You're welcome for both of these advice gems.

April 13 - Friends who move to fun places are good to have. Friends who come back home to visit and invite you for Mexican food: even better. Before this, however, we went for snowcones. After all, it is Friday. Traditiooooon, Tradition! Tradition! (Why yes, I am equating our frozen treat ritual with ancient Hebrew traditions and Broadway musicals...what of it?) Finished off our snowcones just in time to walk into the beautiful garden at Joe Ts for some silly-good tacos and a reunion with our California beauty who was home for a visit. I love, love, love seeing people I have known as kids, particularly young women, grow up into such Wonderful adults. Granted, she isn't much younger than me, but still. Makes me proud, in a way. We talked, laughed, hugged and parted ways, in the kind of way that's sad but comfortable knowing it'll happen again soon enough (maybe on her turf next time!) From there we booked it over to catch the last half of Husband's softball game. Short story: they lost and sometimes old men get grumpy when they lose. :)

April 14 - I drug myself out of bed to knock out a few pies and other goodies at the shop then retreated back home for some semblance of a day off. While eating my lunch, I wanted to watch a little TV, but didn't want to get sucked into anything. Perfect solution: hoarders. Boy, if that isn't fuel to my organizational/cleaning fire, I don't know what is! Let it be known, I worked miracles this day. I DEEP cleaned my bedroom. This house hasn't seen that much elbow grease since we moved in. I forgot how good it feels! Don't get me wrong, I clean regularly, but not like this. I plan to continue working my way through the rest of the house. Husband got home, picked his jaw up off the floor after seeing the fruit of my labors, and we headed over to hang out with some awesome kiddos from our church. We ate brownies, played games, I fell asleep watching a movie (what's new?), and then spent the night with the girls, while Jon went to hang with the boys. Luckily, the girls were as tired as I was and we all fell asleep pretty quickly (Jon was not so lucky).

Love, lessons & week-long posts,


1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! I know this is probably a late comment but I was SO looking forward to being mentioned in your blog :) come visit anytime!!-Jodi
