Friday, June 8, 2012

May 27 - The Day We Broke Our Record

Sundays are my favorite days, I think. The quiet mornings, the worship gatherings, the taco lunches... :) It was business meeting time again, and what's a meeting without munchies? I've written before about our lack of attentiveness at these meetings. I'm happy to announce that this time, however, we broke records, people. 7+ hours of on-track, white board and long term planning took place and we came away, for once, feeling like we actually accomplished a lot. Success!  We made 3, 6, 9 and 12 month plans, and assigned objectives and tasks for each item. There was a lot of talking, a lot of honesty. When you own a small business, at least a restaurant, you are faced with the opportunity for a roller coaster of emotions. As usual, though, friendship and solidarity prevailed. We wrapped up with a kindling of hope about the future of our business, and a plan for evenings of completely unrelated to business fun. The original plan involved a sleepover at best friend's house, with all four of us. Its one of the fun things we get to do as married adults (though not in the weird, creepy kind of sleepover way, mind you. We keep our swinging on the playground. Ha!). However, at the mention of "Grey's", we girls were on our own and the boys happily went about their way with visions of manly movies and video games dancing in their heads.

A serious junk food session, PJ's, magazines and a few hours later, we are now almost caught up on Grey's. Thank heaven for best friends with DVR and comfy guest beds.

1) We ate our first garden harvest (the previously mentioned squash), and it was delicious. Just one, but I'm excited for more to come.

2) Stayed up later than I have in a veeeery long time - my last count was about 3:00 am!

3) Had birthday cake oreos, snow cones, chips and salsa, popcorn...oh heavens, my body did not know what hit it. I feel a change in the air....

Love & Girls Nights,

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