Friday, June 22, 2012

May 30 - The Day I Earned My Dessert

I love bootcamp. I love bootcamp. I love bootcamp. This is what I have to tell myself over and over to get myself into the gym and working up a sweat. But, just like running, once it is over, I never regret it! Especially when I know there is delicious Italian food on the horizon.

Now, I'm a distinct proponent of patronizing local businesses vs chains (being a small business owner, this should be a big "DUH"). However, there is one particular chain restaurant that has my heart, in all it's Americanized Italian glory: Carrabba's. I can't help it! The chicken soup does me in every stinkin' time. Recently, we have discovered what feels like a little inside secret (and naturally, I can't share it), and this secret seems to always result in free dessert. So yes, I indulged in dessert. And pasta. And bread. And soup. (Can you feel your arteries clogging yet?) But, I also worked my tail off, which made me dessert that much sweeter.

1) The morning weather was deliciously cool & breezy. Maybe God indulged my autumnal longings with a nod of cooler temps. Whatever it was, I was thankful and simultaneously bitter that bootcamp couldn't be held in the morning instead of the 90+ degree afternoon.

2) The job battle continues. This is where I have to fight the urge to be that crazy overbearing wife, and believe me it is a battle. Its in my nature to want to fix things, to want take control. I'm beginning to think this job search has very little to do with Jon and a whole lot to do with God teaching me another chapter in the ongoing lesson of relinquishing control.

3) We mapped out a few long-term savings goals. Do #s 2 and 3 strike you as ironic? Its ok to say yes, I see it too. I am fighting to let go of the reigns yet making my own plans for the future. But, I really feel like we aren't so much planning as discussing. His will wins in the end, so you might as well find the joy in the surrender, right? I'm working on it, God.

Love & Chain Restaurants,

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