Monday, March 5, 2012

Feb 29 - The Day We Leaped (Into Illness)

I woke up to a sleepily-stirring husband. He was trying to tell me something but I couldn't quite understand him. I finally made out the words "I'm hot", so I pulled the covers back from him. This was quickly followed by an emphatic grab of the covers and a "no, I'm COLD!". He mumbled something about his body being pieces of land and needing to move them (?), at which point I grabbed a thermometer and shoved it in his mouth. The chills, the strange talk, the warning beep-beep-beep of the thermometer; my babe was SICK. You know it's bad when he doesn't even protest upon receipt of my "you ARE going to the doctor" orders. I, on the other hand, chugged Airborne and popped vitamins like they were candy. With the weekend ahead, this was no time to let our guard down. Take that, germs.

1) Normally not the doting type when it comes to my ill [and typically whiny] spouse,  I was thankfully filled with compassion and mercy today. He supplies all we need, even when we won't know we'll be needing it.

2) I made some killer comfort food. Hubs requested tomato soup and grilled cheese, but I took it one step further and roasted some baby carrots (from our farmer's market excursion) and French fingerling potatoes. I wasn't even sick and I felt 10x better after that meal.

3) Prayer Warriors to the rescue again! I tell ya, people are amazing.

Love & Lozenges,


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