Sunday, March 18, 2012

March 7 - The Day We Got Rained Out

Wednesday should've been a picnic, literally and figuratively, but what would a good day be if you didn't occasionally have a bad one to help you appreciate it? The IRS called today. Boy, "hate" is a strong word, but sometimes even that doesn't seem weighty enough. I am not a fan. After a looong phone call, accusations and angry tears thanks to a less-than-compassionate representative, I was rewarded with a small victory of proving myself to have better records than those who are paid to keep them. Nonetheless, it set a darkened tone to my day. (looking back on yesterday's, my, how quickly our attitudes change...ugh) On the heels of that, our church picnic was cancelled due to heavy, darkening skies and threatening clouds. We ended up heading to dinner (indoors) to eat some delicious BBQ with family, which turned out to be the best remedy for my "rained-out" day. Food and fellowship fixes nearly anything!

1) brisket tacos, where have you been all my life? I know, I'm late to this party, but I came, so there.

2) we sat and talked for nearly an hour after our plates were clean. We chatted about the school system, American culture and nutrition and amidst the chatter, I thanked God for the gift of conversation.

3)I'm impressed with my little bro. It's gotta be tough to always have to be in a group of adults (with me being 16 years his elder. He holds his own even in our conversations with his funny quips or keeping himself busy with his active imagination. Good skill!

Love & Rain-checked Picnics,

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