Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb 17 - The Day My Heart Went Haywire

I woke up seriously hungry on Friday, so although I had a breakfast meeting at work, I ate a mini breakfast with my {large} cup of French Roast. Less than three hours later, and after my 2nd breakfast, my heart was beating out of my chest. I've felt jittery before but this was something new. On a hunch, I went to have my blood pressure checked at the gym, and I wasn't surprised to here that my systolic had jumped almost thirty points from it's norms. I felt it! Kind of a wake up call for me - guess I'll have to really stick to that one cup a day, thing.

1) Celebrated my uncle's birthday with my family over an absolute feast of fried chicken, roast and all the trimmings, with a healthy serving of side-hurting laughter. So nice!

2) To help my heart calm the heck down, I went to a YogaFlex class. It helped! Especially that whole relaxation period at the end (which almost turned into nap time).

3) Took a few minutes to hand-write notes to a few friends who were on my mind. It's an art form that is rarely practiced in this age, but I intend to do my part to keep it alive!

Love & Lowered Blood Pressure

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