Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jan 31 - The Day I Made It One Whole Month

1/12th of the way there! Some posts were long, some posts were short. Some sentimental, some sarcastic, some exciting and some quite dull, but all were honest, and I'm proud of myself for making it through the month of January with a blog for each day. I've gotten into the habit of making notes of what's going on as I go throughout my day, something which keeps me alert in the present - always a good thing.Now to brace myself for the continuation of this online adventure. The original rules still hold: I give myself permission to be imperfect, not on time, not  thrilling, so long as it gets there and its honest. Let's roll, February!

1) Mexican feast with my favorite small group! We had a few who weren't able to come, and the result was a regular shmorgishborg of Tex-Mex deliciousness. I made taquitos and flautas, which brings me to my next point...

2) The thought descended (or rather crashed) down on me today that I am a full-blown overcommitter. This came to me as I'm standing in the middle of my now grease-splashed kitchen wondering why I, a working woman whose spouse works on Tues. nights, would commit to making not one, but two types of fried food on said Tues. night. Not enough fun for one? Let's throw in cornbread and dip, too! I got it done, but I had to leave my kitchen in a wreck, I was late and I (and my house) smelled like a greasy diner.  Gotta work on this one...

3) Read an email from my father to our church family which contained a story on his experience with one of my neighbors. He told of his interaction with her, learning her story, taking a moment to be a part of her life. The story had nothing to do with me but as I was reading, I realized it has everything to do with me. Thought #1: I'm a terrible neighbor. I'm selfish. Thought #2: Fix this. ASAP. So...I'm going to throw a block party. Stay tuned for the actualization of this bright idea.

Love & Successful Blogging,


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