Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Feb 5 - The Day We Watched That Football Thing

Athleticism is a fairly new game for me (no pun intended). While I now actually enjoy being physically active, my love of fitness has not yet translated into a love of sports, especially watching sports. And anyway, the "sports" I do like don't make for very exciting television (I don't care how much you love running, you can't seriously tell me you enjoy watching the entire Boston Marathon on TV. Save your lies.). All that to say, like 92% of American women, I watched more of the Superbowl commercials and the half-time show (Nicki!) than the game itself. Despite the main attraction of our gathering, I'm always down for party food, and it didn't disappoint. Plus there was Gramma, whom we love, especially when she only refers to the teams by their uniform colors and gets excited about instant replays. Oh, and I got to hang out with this PYT(sidenote: photo #1 is her original outfit. After a, ahem, leakage problem, we had to change her, but the only other outfit we could find was an elf suit (photo #2). BEST):


1) Went out to lunch with family, and friends that are family, to celebrate my Grandmother's 70th birthday. A celebratory lunch could never do this woman justice, but I'm pretty sure there's nothing any of us could do to explain just how influential, cared for, respected and loved she is to us. One of my 12 in '12 to-dos involves spending more time with her and taking in every bit of wisdom I can grab. Praying thanks over the days she's lived and blessings over the ones to come.

2) Stomach = garbage can. Let's see, there were girl scout cookies, taquitos, chips, black beans, hot dogs, pie, brownies, 2 kinds of dip, and potato skins. Oh, I totally paid for that later.

3) Husband and I did something called the 5-4-3-2-1 workout (check it out here). A) I totally kicked his butt, and B) It totally kicked MY butt. We'll be doing this again!

Love & Stereotypical Female Views of Organized Sports,


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