Friday, January 13, 2012

Jan 12 - The Day I Slapped Genetics in the Face

Got has granted me many, many things, but genetically good health isn’t one of them. I realized this about 2 years ago and have steadily worked to change my habits since then. So when my insurance company makes me take a health assessment, I actually get excited about it, while my coworkers groan. Great news is that I’m in better shape than I was last year – overall cholesterol down, big drop in LDLs and Triglycerides, blood pressure down, etc, and I have the health of an 18 year old. Proof that genetics are a contributing factor, not necessarily a determining one! Also proof that when you're getting old when you're impressed by having an 18 year old's health, ha. I’ll keep up my routine (and in some areas improve…*cough* VEGETABLES *cough*…ahem) and shoot for even better score next year!

1)  Lunch date with my handsome hubby. I know it’s just an hour, but it means the world to me when he takes time to drive out and pick me up and just sit. And eat. Especially when its Taste of Asia and there are dumplings involved.
2) It was a good day for quality time with the people I love – also got to hang with my hetero-lifemate for a bit. I would tell more of our activities except 1) its kinda top secret, and 2) if you didn’t have the details, it might sound a bit cheap/trashy. Let’s get this straight – we are cheap AND classy!
3) Began working on an awesome Spotify playlist. Is this journal worthy? Maybe not, but it WAS a highlight of my day, so there.

Love & Low Cholesterol,

1 comment:

  1. That's right, we are classy ladies! (regardless of our purchases)
