Friday, January 20, 2012

Jan 19 - The Day That Seemed to Last Forever

Though the title might reflect a negative connotation, that's not exactly what I mean. It was just one of those days that by the time your head hits the pillow, the beginning of the day seems as if it was ages ago. It started with an early morning wake up call, which wouldn't have been bad, except I went to bed late, woke up several times during the night, then almost overslept. I met a friend for a 3 mile run at 6:15, which meant getting myself up, coffee and a small meal down, my stuff ready and all of it out the door by 5:45. Blech. Like always, though, there were no regrets once we were done. The rest of the day went by busily enough but I totally crashed by 9:30.

1) Lunch date with the handsome husband. We dined on Mexican food, al fresco since it was so beautiful, and topped it off with a walk to the library. Jon, chips and salsa, sunshine, cool breezes and stacks of books. Perfection.

2) Met with some friends to plan a super sweet welcome bash for my soon-to-be-here nephew, Roston! That kid, and his momma, are so loved, I can't wait to help celebrate his entrance into this world.

3) Got news of answered prayer related to another sweet family baby whose debut is just around the corner! Can't believe we'll be meeting my new cousin/almost-nephew Lake in less than a week, and I'm glad his momma got a little peace, though we're still praying for God's perfect orchestration in his arrival!

Love & Long Days,

1 comment:

  1. So many babies in your life!
    And the idea of getting up/leaving by 5:45 makes me cringe. you're a trooper.

    :) Jodi
